Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Primate of Bulgarian Orthodox Church
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent the following congratulatory letter to the Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of his ascent to the Patriarchal throne. Below is the text of the message.
To His Holiness Maxim
Metropolitan of Sophia
Patriarch of Bulgaria
Your Holiness, Beloved Brother and Concelebrant at the Throne of God:
I would like to express to you my cordial congratulations upon the anniversary of your ascension to the Patriarchal throne of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
The oldest First Hierarch of the Orthodox world and spiritual father for a great number of believers, you by you primatial service testify to the magnificence of the intransient truths of holy Orthodox faith, to the preaching of which in the Bulgarian land you have dedicated all your life.
Sharing with you the joy of today’s celebrations, I lift up ardent prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ that He may send you beneficial reinforcement of your physical and spiritual strength so that you may fruitfully continue your primatial ministry.
With brotherly love in the Lord,
+ Kirill
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia