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On June 29, 2010, WCC general secretary Rev. Dr. Olav F. Tveit and his delegation visited the Synodal Information Department. The head of the department V. Legoida informed them of the tasks of this new Synodal institution. The talk focused on the specifics of missionary work in the modern society. After the meeting Mr. Legoida presented the guests with some periodicals dealing with the life of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Later that day, the WCC representatives met with the chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service, Archpriest Arkady Shatov. The Parish of the Holy Prince Dimitry gave lunch in honour of the guests. During the lunch, sisters from St. Dimitry’s Nursing School remembered with gratitude that in the hard 90s the World Council of Churches provided the Sisterhood with humanitarian aid. Dr. Tveit and his delegation were taken on a tour of the school and talked with its students. Addressing the future sisters of mercy, Dr. Tveit said that in their future service the sisters would need much spiritual strength because, being weak people as we all are they would have to help other people.

The WCC delegation was also introduced to the display of the museum devoted to the history of Russian sisters of mercy and saw a film on special projects implemented by the Sisterhood. The guests were especially interested in the development of the volunteers movement developed around the Parish of St. Dimitry.

DECR Communication Service