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As the group of religious workers from Sweden continues their pilgrimage to Russia, the DECR head, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, met with them on April 15, 2010.

The delegation from Sweden consists of Orthodox clergy who carry out their service in Sweden, including Bishop Dosifej of Britain and Scandinavia (Serbian Patriarchate), Bishop Makarios of Northern Europe (Romanian Patriarchate), Bishops Maar Julius, Maar Dioscorus and Anba Abakir of the Jacobite Syrian and the Coptic Churches in Sweden, Orthodox and Oriental clergy as well as representatives of the BILDA public society engaged in religious education in Sweden.

Metropolitan Hilarion told the guests about the work of the Department for External Church Relations and answered numerous questions about the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, its position on a number of urgent problems of today and its role in solving these problems.

Participating in the talk were also Hegumen Philip Riabykh, DECR vice-chairman, Rev. Igor Yakimchuk, DECR acting secretary for inter-Orthodox relations, Rev. George Kirindas, DECR protocol director, and A. Khoshev of the DECR secretariat for inter-Orthodox relations.

DECR Communication Service