Working group for cooperation between Russian Orthodox Church and Foreign Ministry meets in a sub-group
The working group for cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Federation Foreign Ministry met in a small sub-group on 15 April 2010 at the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations to consider problems of mutual concern involved in the work with compatriots.
The DECR was represented by Hegumen Philip Riabykh, DECR vice-chairman, and DECR staff members A. Kiselev, K. Peregudin, M. Palacio and V. Matiyashin. Participating from the Foreign Ministry were A. Chepurin, head of the department for compatriots, A. Safonov, deputy head of the department, expert P. Burdykin, O. Vasnetsov, deputy head of the department for the Federation’s constituent regions, Parliament and public organizations, and A. Zheleznyakov, head of the department for relations with religious organizations.
The group discussed in particular the situation of Russian compatriots in South America and their cooperation with Russian representations in the region and public and religious institutions in the countries of their residence.
The group also discussed other matters concerning the practical cooperation between the DECR and the Foreign Ministry.
DECR Communication Service