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A requiem service for the victims of the terrorist attacks in Moscow Metro was held on 31 March 2010 after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the church of All Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Addressing the congregation, the rector of the church Hegumen Philaret Bulekov, Moscow Patriarchate representative to the Council of Europe, said, ‘In these holy days of the Passion Week when the Church remembers the seemingly inviolable triumph of evil on earth, people obsessed and blinded by sin committed another atrocity victimizing dozens of our brothers and sisters. Let us pray today for the repose of their souls so that they may become partakers of the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ, divine innocent Sufferer, over evil and death. In His death and resurrection we find hope for eternal life and for the salvation of our slain compatriots. May the Lord make their memory eternal and give consolation and strength to the family and friends of the dead’.

Present at the service were Russian compatriots, staff workers of diplomatic establishments and representatives of the Council of Europe.

DECR Communication Service