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The academic council of the Sts Cyril and Methodius Graduate and Doctoral School, at its meeting on December 29, chaired by Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk, summed up the School’s first term.

The meeting was attended by members of the academic council including Archpriest Vladimir Shmaliy, pro-rector of the Church Graduate School, Rev. George Zavershinsky, DECR communications service director, Rev. Sergiy Zvonarev, deputy head of the chair of external affairs, Rev. Stefan Vaneyan, head of the chair of church art and archaeology, Rev. Mikhail Zheltov, head of the chair of church practice, S. Kravets, head of the chair of canon law, A. Andreyev, head of the chair of history, V. Tatarinov, head of the chair of foreign languages, V. Kasatonov, head of the chair of philosophy, and A. Mramornov, the council secretary.

Among various academic matters, the council discussed prospects for theological academic degrees to be recognized on the official state level and for the Russian theological education to be integrated in the Bologna system.