Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk receives Mgr Visvaldas Kulbokas, first secretary of the Holy See Representation in the Russian Federation
Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk received on December 3 the new first secretary of the Holy See Representation in the Russian Federation, Mgr Visvaldas Kulbokas.
He congratulated Mgr Kulbokas on this appointment and expressed hope that the fruitful and constructive cooperation established between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Holy See Representation in Russia through the efforts of Archbishop Antonio Mennini would continue. His Eminence Hilarion made a special mention of a considerable improvement achieved in Orthodox-Catholic relations in Russia due to a clearer understanding that the Orthodox and Catholics are not rivals but allies in defending traditional Christian values in the modern society.
Both the archbishop and the monsignor stressed the importance of the joint working group for considering problems in relations between the Roman Catholic and the Russian Orthodox Churches as an effective instrument in search for solutions to various practical problems existing in their relations.
In conclusion of the meeting, Mgr Kulbokas thanked the archbishop for a warm welcome and assured him of his desire to promote further the development of cooperation and mutual understanding between the two Churches.
Mgr Visvaldas Kulbokas was born on 14 May 1974 in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
After finishing secondary school in Klaipeda, he entered in 1992 the diocesan Telsiai Seminary in Lithuania.
From 1994 he continued studying theology in Rome.
He was ordained priest in 1998.
In 2002, he was made doctor of theology by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
In 2004, he received licentiate for canon law from the same university.
From 2001 to 2004, he studied at the Pontifical Diplomatic Academy.
From 2004 to 2004, he was attaché and later second secretary of the Apostolic Nunciate in Lebanon.
From 2007 to 2009, he was second secretary of the Apostolic Nunciate in the Netherland.
Since September 2009, he is first secretary of the Holy See Representation in the Russian Federation.
Mgr Kulbokas speaks Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Dutch.