Concert of Russian religious and folk music in the Notre Dame de Paris on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Three Hierarchs church in Paris

A concert of Russian religious and folk music was performed in the Notre Dame de Paris on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Three Hierarchs church in Paris.

Over three thousand listeners, some of them standing, welcomed the choir of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery with loud cheers.

Attending the concert were Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Archbishop Innokenty of Korsun, other hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, and many clergymen from Russia and different countries of Western Europe.

Introductory word before the concert was delivered by monsignor Patrick Jacquens, rector of the Notre Dame de Paris, who noted the importance of the Russian church’s jubilee.

After the concert the Saviour’s Crown of Thorns was worshipped. Metropolitan Kirill offered up prayers to the Lord for His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia, for Russia and France and for all Chris6tians before the holy relic that has been kept in France for many centuries.

Addressing the rector of the cathedral, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations emphasized the importance of common confirmation of the Gospel values in the life of society today.