Metropolitan Kirill Sent a Telegramme of Condolences to the King of Saudi Arabia
2.08.2005 · English, Архив 2005
On 2 August 2005 Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, sent the following message of condolences with the demise of King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia:
To: His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia
Your Majesty!
It was with deep grief that I learned of the demise of His Majesty King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al-Saudi. May I express my sincere condolences to you with this hard loss.
My co-religionists and compatriots have know His Majesty King Fahd as a renowned state leader, who made considerable contribution to the strengthening of relations between Russia and Saudi Arabia. May fond memories of him be a pledge of consolidation of relations between the people of our countries, between Christian and Muslims of the whole world.
Yours truly,
Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations
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