His Holiness the Patriarch greets the participants in the exhibition dedicated to the Kulikovo Battle jubilee

22.08.2005 · English, Архив 2005  

On August 22, an exhibition dedicated to the 625th anniversary of the Kulikovo Battle opened in the ‘New Manezh’ state exhibition hall.

The extensive and diverse exhibition, which recreates the great historic event of 1380, was sponsored by St.Daniel’s Monastery in Moscow and the Government of Moscow.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent the following welcoming message to the organizers, supervisors and visitors of the exhibition.

To the participants in the exhibition dedicated to the 625th anniversary of the Kulikovo Battle

Dear brothers and sisters!

In 2005 the Russian Orthodox Church together with all Russian society commemorates the 625th anniversary of a major event in the history of our Fatherland – the Kulikovo Battle.

This historic event commenced the liberation of Russia from foreign dominion and the gathering of all Russian principalities, which united around Moscow and defended the native land, Christian sacred places and objects and Orthodox faith of the fathers from foreign enemies.

By the Providence of God the Russian troops were led by an outstanding commander and ardent Christian, the holy and right-believing Prince Dimitry Donskoy. The Russian people, who scorned death for the sake of the Fatherland in the hard times of trial courageously fought the Mamai troops.

The Battle of Kulikovo is historically linked with St.Sergius of Radonezh, hegumen of the Trinity Monastery and wonderworker, who blessed the Russian troops for the battle and strengthened warriors by his prayers.

The names of these holy men glorified by the Church remind us in this jubilee year of our responsibility as the children of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church. This responsibility prompts us to be thoughtful in our care for cultural and historical property of our Fatherland, to be good successors of our great ancestors as it was by their energy and faith that the Russian state and great Russian culture have been created.

While blessing the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, I greet you with the feast, cordially thank the government of Moscow, management and personnel of the ‘New Manezh’, state museums and archives who gave material for the exhibition and wish them God’s grace and help in all good works and initiatives.



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