Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad sends greetings to the readers and editors of the ‘Europaica’ electronic bulletin

I cordially congratulate Bishop Hilarion and the staff of the Russian Orthodox Church Representation to the European Institutions on the issue of the one hundredth jubilee ‘Europaica’ electronic bulletin.

The publication of this bulletin in many languages is very important today. The West lacks objective information on the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, while the need for such ‘first-hand’ information is obvious. The publication of documents, papers, statements and commentaries on topical problems of our times in European languages allows the reader to get to know the position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the wide range of topics. Evidence of the work of the Russian Orthodox Church, questions of inter-Orthodox cooperation and theological studies, dialogue with the European institutions, and inter-Christian and interreligious contacts are presented on the bulletin’s pages.

The ‘Europaica’ allows Western reader to see the true image of our Church with its rich and tragic experience of life under different circumstances. Today we are open to dialogue and cooperation, and are happy to share our experience.

I wish God’s help to the editorship and readers of the ‘Europaica’ electronic bulletin.

Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
Chairman Department for External Church Relations
Moscow Patriarchate