В рамках выставки-форума «Православная Русь» открылась конференция «Чтение и воспитание»
31.05.2006 · Архив 2005-2009, События
- An ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition closed with awarding of its participants
- Обращение Святейшего Патриарха Алексия к участникам и гостям IV Общецерковной выставки-форума «Православная Русь» (30 мая – 3 июня 2006 года), опубликованное в буклете, посвященном выставке
- Presents are handed over to families with many children at the opening ceremony of the Fourth ‘Orthodox Russia’ All-Church Exhibition
- His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II leads the opening ceremony of the Fourth ‘Orthodox Russia’ All-Church Exhibition
- Address of Patriarch Alexis of Moscow and all Russia at the Opening of the Fourth Orthodox Russia All-Church Exhibition
- Musical festival is opened in the framework of the ‘Orthodox Russia’ exhibition
- Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate to Hold a Press-Conference on the Orthodox Russia Exhibition
- Session of the Orthodox Russia exhibition organizing committee