Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission meets with the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine’s representative to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Archimandrite Stephan, Representative of the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and rector of the Jerusalem Church Representation in Moscow, visited the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission on March 29, 2006.

Archimandrite Stephan has served in Moscow for over two years now, making a positive contribution to the development of good fraternal relations between the Churches of Jerusalem and Russia. He came to Jerusalem for the Name-Day of His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos and before returning to Moscow paid a friendly visit to the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission.

The representatives of the Churches of Jerusalem and Russia discussed the work of the two church representations and current events in the life of the two Churches. Archimandrite Stephan wrote in the book for honorary guests about his good feelings for the Russian Church and underlined the importance of strengthening spiritual relations between the Patriarchates of Jerusalem and Moscow.