School of temperance in the St.Petersburg diocese helps overcome gambling addiction

On 21 February 2006, the School of temperance at the St.Petersburg diocesan department against drug addiction and alcoholism has begun a regular study course to overcome alcohol and tobacco addiction. Ten study courses have been held since the setting up of the school in October 2004. There is a particular feature in the current, 11th study course. Besides help in overcoming alcohol and tobacco addiction, the listeners could be assisted in the deliverance from gambling addiction.

‘All the addicts want to alleviate psychological stress quickly and effortlessly and to have nice sensations by withdrawal to the world of illusions. Some prefer to use drugs to withdraw from reality, others resort to alcohol or game machines and computers, – the School of temperance leader V.A.Tsygankov says. – When passion is satisfied, one feels better for a short time. However, illusions would soon disappear, but all problems and difficulties stay and become even more dramatic… Man indulges in his passion again, as a simple and quick solution of the problems – to run into the world of illusions – has been tested. The consequences, though, are deplorable, as personality disintegrates, family relations are broken being accompanied by conflicts at work, and poverty is looming’.

According to him, the number of gambling addicts in the northern capital city exceeds one hundred thousands.