Website of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Representation in Strasbourg is opened

Website of the representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg opened soon after Christmas. The main subject of the new informational source will become questions on the agenda of the Council of Europe affecting believes, interreligious and interChristian dialogue, cooperation between religion and secular society, particularities of legislation on the freedom of conscience and many other problems.

In his welcoming address Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia noted that the Russian Orthodox Church ‘has always been open to dialogue with all countries and nations of Europe, civil society and representatives of Christian Churches of our continent’.

Among materials published by the site are the work of the representation of the Russian Church in Strasbourg established by the decision of the Holy Synod in 2004; an article by the chairman of the Department for external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Kirill on the objectives of the representation and contacts of the Church with the European international organizations, as well as and the talk with the human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe Alvaro Hill-Robles.

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