Icon by St. Seraphim (Chichagov) is handed over to the Diocese of Tver

The copy of ‘the Savior in White Tunic’, the icon written by the Holy Martyr Metropolitan Serafim (Chichagov), was handed over to the Diocese of Tver on December 15, 2005. Metropolitan Serafim headed the Diocese of Tver from 1914 to 1918. At the age of 81, the Metropolitan was executed and buried in Butovo not far from Moscow.

Icon written by Metropolitan Seraphim is handed over to the Diocese of Tver according to the will his granddaughter Hegumeness Seraphima, Mother Superior of the Novodevichy Convent. The will reads that icons by Metropolitan Seraphim should be in all places he served in.

According to press center of the Diocese of Tver, the copy of the icon was handed over by professor Aleksey Butenin, who delivered a lecture about Metropolitan Seraphim.
