His Holiness Patriarch Alexy congratulates composer Arvo Pjart on his 70th birthday

A renowned composer Arvo Pjart is 70 on 11 September 2005. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent the following message to the composer whose anniversary is celebrated.

Dear Mr. Pjart,

Please accept my cordial greetings with your 70th birthday.

You have gone a long and versatile creative way that led you to the knowledge of God. For many years you have been sharing spiritual treasure revealed to you by God through your music, in which you comprehended in a special way the liturgical and theological tradition of the Eastern and Western Churches. You endeavor to open this tradition to the admirers of your talent who live in different countries.

I would like to note your deep piety and your close ties with the Orthodox monasteries and church community. May you, a well-known contemporary composer of classical music always preach the Gospel in your work. May your work bring to people in the disturbed and troubled world of today that peaceful spirit of Christ through which thousands will be saved, as St.Seraphim of Sarov put it.

May the Lord grant you good health, joy, strength and His almighty help and inspiration in your creative work.

With love in Christ,