Metropolitan Kirill congratulates the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church on his Nameday

The Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad sent his greetings to His Beatitude Archbishop Hieronymos of Athens and All Greece with his Nameday. The text is given below.

Your Beatitude:

Please accept my respectful greetings and best wishes on your Nameday.

The day of your angel, St. Hieronymus of Stridon is celebrated this year as a feast of the entire Greek Orthodox Church for the first time. We hope that the time of your primatial ministry would be an epoch of further strengthening of fraternal relations between the Russian and Greek Orthodox Churches. These relations had been distinctly developed under your predecessor of the blessed memory, His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece.

On the day of the heavenly patron of Your Beatitude I wish you spiritual and physical health and God’s help in your primatial labours.

With love in the Lord,

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
Department for External Church Relations
Moscow Patriarchate