Presidium of the Conference of European Churches meets in Brussels

Press service of the Russian Orthodox Church permanent representation in Germany informed the DECR Communication Service that Presidium of the Conference of European Churches met in Brussels on 13-16 May 2008.

Discussed at the meeting chaired by the CEC President Jean-Arnold de Clermont, vice-president His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania and vice-president Margarete Isberg were the work done by the Conference, the preparation of the 13th CEC Assembly to be held in Lion on 15-21 July 2008, and the planned reorganization of the CEC structure. The 50th anniversary of the CEC will be celebrated during the Assembly.

Archbishop Longin of Klin, permanent representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in Germany and a member of the CEC Presidium was among those taking part in the meeting.

Members of the Presidium adopted the statement calling for prayer, reconciliation and peace-building in Lebanon.

The Conference of European Churches was founded in 1959. It unites 120 Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches from all European countries and 40 affiliated organizations and has liaison offices in Geneva, Brussels and Strasbourg.