Students of Medical Academy in Nizhniy Novgorod to study Basis of Orthodoxy

Since March 2007 the students of Medical Academy in Nizhniy Novgorod would be studying basis of Christian anthropology during elective classes twice a month. The classes would be conducted by the Fr. Maxim Antonenko – lecturer of Nizhniy Novgorod Theological Seminary.

Fr. Maxim says that the choice of the subject ‘Christian anthropology’ was not a random selection: the basis of Orthodoxy will be attractive for medical students because they will be able to see a person through the prism of Orthodox values – site of Nizhniy Novgorod diocese reports.

The rector V. Shkalin announced that the Academy is ready to provide classes for basis of Orthodoxy in December 2006. The students expressed their determination to study this subject.

DECR Communication Service