International Consultation “Instruments of International Christian Diakonia” was held at the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate on 2-3 November

The international consultation ‘Instruments of International Christian Diakonia’ was held on 2-3 November 2006 at the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. The meeting was supported by the Eastern Europe Office of the World Council of Churches, Action by Churches Together – Development, Action by Churches Together International and International Orthodox Christian Charities.

The current status of Christian diakonia in Eastern Europe and mechanisms of cooperation between the churches and church organizations were discussed. The establishment of a new alliance, ACT – Development, which seeks to promote church ministry in the field of development occupied an important place on the agenda along with an Orthodox understanding of human rights and dignity.

We felt as Churches, specialized ministries and Round Tables, that we bring significant experience, resources, structure and maturity to ACT Development. We also appreciate the opportunity for capacity building and global collaboration.

The present consultation is offered to the ACT Development process as a contribution to a more comprehensive understanding of issues throughout Europe appreciating that ACT Development is a work in progress.

On November 2, His Eminence Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, joined the deliberations and stated that all ecumenical efforts should remain close to the church for spiritual guidance and direction. Speaking to the past, Metropolitan Kirill emphasized the importance of the solidarity work within the WCC. He affirmed that it is important for the WCC to remain closely involved in the process and the future structure of ACT – Development.