His Holiness Patriarch Alexy sends his condolences over A-310 crash in Irkutsk

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church sent his condolences over A-310 crash in Irkutsk:

I received news of A-310 crash in Irkutsk with profound grief. Dozens of people killed, including children, pained my heart.

Sharing this heavy loss, we mourn the innocent victims and offer up our prayers to the Lord asking Him to take their souls to the heavenly mansions.

I convey my particular support to the victims and those in hospitals.

It is a great grief for all Russian people, but mostly for the near and dear of the victims. On these mournful days I charged Archbishop Vadim of Irkutsk and Angarsk and the diocesan clergy to render all possible moral help and spiritual support to the victims and their relatives. May the Lord help them to endure the trial that had befallen them.

While remembering the victims of the tragedy, let us take care about and pray for peace and security of our near and dear and of all Russian citizens.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia