His Holiness Patriarch Alexy is awarded State Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity

On 12 June 2006, the Day of Russia, there was held a ceremony of conferring the state prizes of the Russian Federation in the fields of science and technology, literature and arts and humanitarian activity. The latter is awarded for the first time this year, and the first prizewinner is His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The presidential decree says that the award is conferred on His Holiness ‘for fruitful educational and peace activity that facilitates the assertion of the intransient moral values and consolidation of society.’

The state and public figures, well-known politicians, representatives of the traditional religious organizations and figures of science and culture gathered in the St. George hall of the Great Kremlin Palace. Among those invited were the Orthodox hierarchs: Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kal9iningrad, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk and Archbishop Arseny of Istra.

Prior to the ceremony, the soldiers of the Kremlin regiment brought in honorary badges of the prizewinners.

Russian President V. Putin greeted the audience and said:

‘Russia has always been replete with clever, purposeful, bold and talented people, who accumulated the breakthrough energy of the nation and gave vivid examples of ordering the life. Undoubtedly, the prizewinners rightly belong to this cohort of the renowned people of the country. Their names have become a part of Russian history. Each name is worthy of particular mentioning.

Present here is His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. His services are undoubted and widely known. Suffice it to say that the epoch of his ministry has become the time of spiritual revival of Russian society. The state prize for the achievements in the field of humanitarian activity, the first in Russian history, is conferred upon His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II by rights.’

The head of the state also spoke about the achievements of other prizewinners. These are the Russian scientists I. Gorynin and A. Skrinsky; actor A. Batalov; authors of the ballet based on an epic Oriental poem ‘Tale of Jusuph’ poet R. Kharisov, composer L. Lyubuvsky and dancer N. Kanetov; a renowned musician and conductor M. Pletnyev.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy accepted the award and emphasized that he considers it as the one given to his co-workers: archpastors, pastors, the monastics and laymen, – to the whole Russian Orthodox Church.

‘The Church in the Russian Federation is separated from the state, but is not separated from society. Throughout its thousand-year history the Russian Orthodox Church has always shared joys and hardships with the people and will do it forever. We have common tasks to solve together. We should seek peace and accord, as only the unity of our society could help build up the great Russia.’

Talking about the fields of common concern of the Church and society, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy mentioned social ministry, such as help to the sick, the lonely and the ailing, and care for the abandoned children who find love and attention in many monasteries, parishes and Orthodox orphanages. We do not set ourselves a goal to make these children monks or priests. We want to help them become worthy citizens of the great Russia and patriots of their Motherland,’ the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church underscored.

Another important task is the spiritual and moral revival of the people who had survived hard decades. The future of our Fatherland should be built on the spiritual and moral foundations, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy believes.

His Holiness said that he would give the monetary component of the prize to the orphanages and charity institutions.