His Holiness the Patriarch Meets Taize Delegation

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and all Russia met Taize Community delegation led by their prior Brother Alois.

The meeting in Patriarchal working residence in Chisty Pereulok was also attended by the vicechairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Father Vsevolod Chaplin and the secretary for inter-Christians relations of the DECR MP Father Igor Vyzhanov.

Having greeted his guests, His Holiness noted the good relationships that developed between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Taize Community.

His Holiness the Patriarch express his condolences on the death of Taize’s first prior Brother Roger who was murdered in 2005. ‘We were deeply shocked by the tragic death of Brother Roger whom I met many times. I wish from all my heart that his cause may continue successfully’, he said.

His Holiness noted the importance of Taize youth work. ‘Young people have to overcome many temptations today. There have always been temptations, but we have to admit there are much more them now for the young generation to face’, His Holiness said.

The Taize Community holds annual youth meetings in different countries of Europe and worldwide. Young Orthodox people from Russia also take part in the meeting and that gives them opportunities not only to communicate with their fellows from other countries but also to witness the richness of their Orthodox faith and spiritual tradition, His Holiness said. He also said the Russian Orthodox Church is open for dialogue and cooperation with Taize.