His Holiness the Patriarch begins his visit to Latvia

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia is visiting Latvia from May 27 to 29, 2006. His Holiness was met at the airport by Metropolitan Alexander of Riga and All Latvia, Metropolitan Kornily of Tallinn and Estonia, clergymen of the diocese, Latvian Minister of Finance Oscars Spurdzins, Russian Ambassador to Latvia V.Kalyuzhny, and Latvian Ambassador to the Russian Federation A.Teikmanis.

His Holiness was met with traditional bread and salt and flowers. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church was presented with patriarchal staff.

His Holiness answered many questions of the journalists. It was noted that the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church visited Latvia for the first time in the nine-centuries old history of Orthodoxy here. It is the first visit of His Holiness as Patriarch, and the third as a bishop. He visited Riga earlier, and as Bishop of Tallinn and Estonia was administrator of the Riga diocese in 1961-62.

‘I am convinced that this visit will help consolidate mutual understanding and friendship among our nations. Our task is to promote cooperation and help people to fulfill their ministry’, His Holiness the Patriarch said.

He thanked the President of Latvia for the invitation and remarked that Metropolitan Alexander had invited His Holiness to pay his pastoral visit to Latvia many times.

Small crosses and icons of St.George found by archeologists bear witness to the early Orthodox presence in Latvia. There were well known Orthodox spiritual centres in Latvia, like Ersika, in the early 11th century. A chronicle by a catholic author Henric of Latvia mentions several churches with richly decorated icons, gold and silver liturgical vessels, and wonderful frescoes. The church of St. Nicholas was built on the right bank of the Daugava (Western Dvina) river. It was the fist church built in this land.

From the airport His Holiness proceeded to the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ built on the design of academician R.Pflug in the 1880s. A belfry was constructed above the main entrance to house 12 bells that the Emperor Alexander III presented to the cathedral church. The largest bell called after the holy and right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky weighted over 128.000 kg. The church was devastated during the First and Second World wars, and closed down by the decision of theomachist authorities in 1963. Its restoration began in 1991.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy will meet with the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on the first day of his visit.

That same day in the evening His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia will celebrate the All-Night Vigil in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

The programme includes the talks of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy with the Latvian Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis and the Speaker of the Latvian Seim (parliament) Ingrida Udre, a meeting with the businessmen and intellectuals and a visit to the Church of the Annunciation.