Orthodox clergy visit Penal Colony No. 1 in Minsk

Orthodox clergy assembled in Penal Colony No. 1 in Minsk to see how the work for the religious and moral education of the inmates was carried out. The colony staff and clergy from the Parish of Our Lady the Joy for All the Afflicted took the guests on a tour of the production and living quarters, the prison hospital and the prison church dedicated for St. Anastasia the Breaker of Bonds.

The tour was followed by a meeting of the colony’s discussion club. It was attended by the clergy, penitentiaries officials and inmates. The discussion was held on the theme the Formula of Happiness. Diametrically opposite views were expressed, but on the whole the discussion was held in a constructive spirit. Participating in the discussion from the Russian Orthodox Church were Rev. Pavel Serdyuk and Rev. Oleg Shulgin.