Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church extends condolences to the Supreme Patriarch-Catholicos Karekin II of All Armenians upon the plane crash off Sochi

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent the following message of condolence to the Supreme Patriarch-Catholicos Karekin II of All Armenians over the tragic death of people in the plane crash on May 3, 2006, near Sochi.

To His Holiness Karekin II
Supreme Patriarch-Catholicos of All Armenians

Your Holiness, Dear Brother beloved in the Lord:

I am deeply grieved by the tragic death of people in the crash of an Armenian airliner that happened on May 3, 2006, near Sochi. Please, convey my sincere condolences to the Armenian leaders, your flock, all the Armenian people, and the families and friends of the dead.

Sharing the pain of the loss, we grieve for the innocent victims of the tragedy and lift up prayers to the Lord that He may accept their souls in the heavenly dwellings.

Expressing spiritual support for you, Your Holiness, I wish you strength and God’s all-powerful help in your difficult and important ministry for the good of the Armenian Apostolic Church and all the Armenian people.

In this sorrowful hour, the Russian Orthodox Church is with you and the whole Armenia,

With brotherly love in the Risen Lord,

+ Alexy
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia