Estonian government hands over five church buildings and adjacent plots of land to the Estonian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

On April 6, Estonian government resolved to hand over five church building and adjacent plots of land with the right of construction to the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate for 50-years tenancy.

Governmental press service reports that all church buildings are located in the northeast of the republic, where most Russian-speaking people live.

Among the mentioned church buildings are the Church of the Epiphany in the town of Yuhvi, the Cathedral of the Ascension in Narva, St.Nicholas’ Church in the village of Yama, the Church of the Epiphany in the village of Lohosuu and the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in the Alajye district.

These church buildings belonged to the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church (EAOC) under jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, but actually the canonical Orthodox Church of Estonia possessed them.

Property dispute was settled in 2003 with the help of the Estonian and Russian governments.

In compliance with the agreement, the EAOC handed over to the state 15 objects in its legal ownership, but actually used by the canonical Church that now received them from the state for 50-years tenancy for symbolical payment.