An attack on a clergyman in Moscow
10.04.2006 · Архив 2005-2009, События
An attack was committed on a clergyman in Moscow. Yevgeny Yefremov, a student of Moscow Theological Seminary, was beaten Saturday night by two unknown persons who hit him with baseball bits.
According to his godfather Anatoly Pleyonki, it happened last Saturday night. After the All-Night Vigil at the Church of the Transfiguration in Lyubertsy, Yevgeny went back home, passing through a school court at the Zhulebino district in Moscow. He was attacked there. The young man who found him at the school court said they had time to notice two lads running away, armed with baseball bits.
They hit Yevgeny twice on his head, causing serious injuries, one at the cervical part, another at a temporal one. The attackers did not take either his mobile telephone or his money. A criminal case has been established under Criminal code Article 111.
At present Yevgeny is at the Botkin Hospital in a very grave condition. He has undergone an operation. Before the operation he was administered the anointment and communion.