The first in Russia ‘Grad Petrov’ diocesan radio station to begin broadcasting on FM waveband

The first in Russia ‘Grad Petrov’ (The City of Peter’) diocesan radio station begins broadcasting on FM waveband. Its editor-in-chief Rev. Alexander Stepanov reported on March 30 that it was supported by the Leningrad region authorities and the regional radio ‘Gardarika’. The listeners are welcome on 69.05 FM waveband from 08.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. Actually, it is a new ‘talking’ Orthodox radio station.

The ‘Grad Petrov’ radio station was formed with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of St.Petersburg and Ladoga in 2000. The name shows its missionary orientation as it reminds the listeners of the fact that the northern capital of Russia was named after Apostle Peter. Faculty and students of the St.Petersburg Theological Academy and the St.Petersburg State University as well as the workers of the Hermitage State Museum take part in the programmes.