Conference on Church and Secularism in Modern Society in Rome

The conference on Church and Secularism in Modern Society from Orthodox and Roman Catholic Perspectives began on March 29, 2006, in Rome. This topical theme is discussed in the framework of the Italian-Russian civil society dialogue initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in 2004.

Taking part in the conference are cochairmen of the forum, S. Yastrzhemsky from the Russian side, and Ms. Luisa Todini from the Italian side, as well as Russian Ambassador in Italy A. Meshkov and Russian representative to the Vatican N. Sadchikov. The academic communities in Italy and Russia are represented by A. Torkunov, rector of the Russian Foreign Ministry Institute for International Relations, Prof. Ms. T. Zonova, head of the Diplomacy Chair, and V. Legoida, deputy dean of the department of international journalism, as well as Italian scholars from the universities of Rome, Florence and Turin.

The Russian Orthodox Church is represented by Bishop Mark of Yegoryevsk, vice-chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations, Prof. Archpriest Maxim Kozlov of Moscow Theological Academy, Rev. George Ryabykh, assistant to the DECR chairman, and Prof. A. Svetozarsky of Moscow Theological Academy. The Roman Catholic Church is represented by Cardinal Achille Sylvestrini, Mgr. John-Paul Crepaldi, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice, and clergy.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia sent a message to the Conference. In it he emphasizes that Christianity can and must be a spiritual force in Europe. The Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano welcomed the participants on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, stating in his telegram in particular that ‘secular institutes, though functioning on the basis of norms they have worked out independently, cannot ignore the ethical affirmations of natural law granted by the Lord’s will to human beings’.

On the same day, the Orthodox participants in the Conference made a pilgrimage to the relics of St. Paul. Standing before this great Christian shrine, the Russian guests sang the Troparion and Kontakion to the first apostles Peter and Paul. A quartet from St. Daniel’s monastery sang hymns.

In the evening, the Russian Embassy in Italy gave a reception in honour on the occasion of the conference.