Interuniversity chair of theology to be formed in Samara

An enlarged meeting of the academic council took place in the Samara theological seminary. It was attended by rectors and professors of the leading higher educational establishments of this regional centre. The Samara diocese press service told a ‘’ correspondent that the key question discussed at the meeting was an interuniversity chair of theology. The decision was taken at the conference of the council of rectors of the Samara region. The academic council discussed the details of the implementation of this idea.

The chair of theology of the Samara State Transport Network Academy would be a centre of the interuniversity chair. Other higher educational establishments would delegate coordinators from among their faculties. That would allow generalizing from the experience of all institutions of higher education accumulated in the field of teaching the humanities and to elaborate single requirements to the work of the interuniversity chair of theology.

The academic council also considered preparation to an interuniversity scholarly conference ‘Faith and Culture’. Students of all regional institutions of higher education and pupils of regional secondary schools are expected to take an active part in the traditional International Ss Cyril and Methodius Readings to be held in Samara this year.