Russian Orthodox parishioners in Beirut make pilgrimage to holy places in northern and mountainous Lebanon

The Russian Orthodox parish in Beirut made a pilgrimage to holy places in northern and mountainous Lebanon, on March 11, 2006. The trip was arranged by the Antioch Pilgrim service at the Moscow Patriarchate Representation to the Patriarch of Great Antioch and All the East.

In the northern Lebanon, the pilgrims visited the monastery of the Dormition of Mother of God, which was restored several years ago through the efforts of Archimandrite Panteleimon and his monastic community. This monastery witnessed the striking staunchness of Christian martyrs persecuted in the Ottoman Empire.

In the mountainous Lebanon, the pilgrims visited the monastery of St. Elijah, restored by Russian pilgrims in the late 18th-early 19th century. The monastery used to serve as a hotel for Russian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Among the shrines of the monastery is the Gospel given by St. Philaret the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna to the Orthodox Church of Antioch in 1848. Its cover carries the signature of the saint and the ‘visa’ by Constantine Bazili, Russian Consul in Beirut, who presented the Gospel to the monastery.

Surviving in this monastery is a true treasury of Orthodox icons painted by Russian monks and given by pilgrims. There is a 17th century iconostasis of rare beauty, carved of rare woods.

Press service of the Russian Orthodox Church Representation
to the Patriarchate of Antioch