A priest takes care for old people in Nizhny Novgorod

On 3 March 2006, rector of the Church of St.Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Bolshaya Yelnya Rev. Alexey Yelkin will talk with the inhabitants of old people’s home in Zeleny Gorod about the Sunday of Forgiveness and religious practice of the Orthodox Christians.

The old people’s home has housed a room for prayers with a library of religious literature for several years. Priest’s visits are welcome any time.

‘People who often have no relatives who could have supported them in the difficult time, who are deprived of almost everything in this life, many opportunities and the goods of the earthly life, feel the problems of religious life more keenly’, says the priest who takes spiritual care for the Orthodox in the old people’s home in Zeleny Gorod.

According to Rev. Alexey, people of different ages can have social crises and crises of the philosophy of life. ‘Many elderly people are aware that they have not achieved that what they had dreamed about in their youth. Because of their decease and misfortunes and a particular state of their souls, people have different feelings, look at life differently and give a different meaning to many things’, he believes.

Talks about spiritual life help people understand that what is happening in their lives is not fortuitous and they comprehend themselves not as a victim, but as the cause of the developments.

According to Rev. Alexey, ‘the major tasks of the talks is to make people understand that they are not alone in this world. Even if all relatives abandon them, they have help from God, the Mother of God and the saints who are always assisting and strengthening them’.