Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad continues his visit to Latin America

On 16 February 2006, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, accompanied by the ruling hierarch of the Diocese of Argentina and South America of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Platon, arrived at the Brazilian town of Santa Rosa where he visited the parish of Ss. Peter and Paul.

Archpriest Anatoly Topala, rector of the church, and parishioners and Rev. Nikolai Kapusta, rector of the Church of St. John the Theologian, and his parishioners from the town of Cambina das Missao, welcomed the high guests.

Parishioners of the both churches are descendants of Russian and Ukrainian emigrants who came to Cambina das Missao in 1909 and made it the first place for our compatriots to migrate in Latin America early in the 20th century.

After conducting a prayer service, Metropolitan Kirill addressed all the present with a greeting word. He paid special attention to the feat of those, who left Russia for Brazil almost a hundred years ago and set up first Orthodox parishes here.

On the same day, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad left for the Argentinean Republic.

In the evening, Honorable Consul of the Russian Federation in the city of Obera (Argentinean Republic, Misiones province) Ms Zenona Sabchuk gave a reception in honor of the Russian delegation. Among the present also were Hegumen Bartholomew (Oviedo), rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Obeda, and Archpriest Orest Pavzuk.

On 17 February 2006, Metropolitan Kirill met with Obeda mayor Mr. Evaldo Rinflech and representatives of the Misiones leadership. Also participating were Metropolitan Platon of Argentina and South America and Honorable Consul of the Russian Federation in Obera Ms Zenona Sabchuk.

Both sides highly appreciated the level of regional Russian-Argentinean relations. Obera mayor told the high Russian guest about the experience of interreligious and international cooperation in Misiones. In his response address Metropolitan Kirill thanked the governors of the town and province for the support of Orthodox communities.

Metropolitan Kirill answered the questions of local TV and radio journalists.

First time in history of the Orthodox Church in Latin America Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate visited several parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Argentinean province of Misiones. Metropolitan Kirill was accompanied by Metropolitan Platon of Argentina and South America, Hegumen Bartholomew (Oviedo) and Deacon Georgy Kirindas, head of the DECR MP Protocol Department.

Metropolitan Kirill visited the Church of the Holy Trinity in Obeda, the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin in the village of Bajo Troncho, the Church of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Amegino, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Jaleju, the Church of All Russian Saints in the town of Lopos.

Metropolitan Kirill conducted a requiem service in the Orthodox cemetery near the village of Amegino, where Archpriest Stephan Kazimirov, who was the rector of churches in Obera and Amegino for 13 years, was buried.

Metropolitan Kirill inspected the site for building a church of the Russian Orthodox Church in the town of Miandro en Alem.

A ceremonial reception was given in honor of the Russian Orthodox delegation in the evening. On behalf of the Orthodox believers S. Kategora, head of the Russian-speaking community in Misiones, welcomed the high guests. In his response word, Metropolitan Kirill underscored the importance of parochial life for preserving faith, culture and language in the second and third generation of emigrants from Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia. Metropolitan Kirill conveyed the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia to all the present.