Results of iconpainting competition among the prisoners in Altai are summed up

The results of the traditional iconpainting competition among the prisoners were summed up in the Directorate of the Federal punitive service. All penitentiary institutions of the Altai Territory presented over 100 items. Orthodox icons painted by the prisoners will be sent to the reformatory for women in the Shipunovo district centre.

The Altai diocese assessed 20 icons as the best. The prisoners have put their hearts into their work, but the criteria are very strict. An icon should be not only beautiful, but should be painted in keeping with the Orthodox canons of iconpainting.

Archpriest Mikhail Pogiblov, chairman of the Altai diocesan department for relations with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies said: ‘The level of iconpainting has greatly increased in the reformatories. The most part of icons was painted in keeping with the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is quite clear that the icons were painted with prayers and deep feeling of the soul’.

Rev. Mikhail said that four icons would be placed in St.Anastasia’s chapel in the reformatory for women. These icons amazed even the priests.

Three crosses were also considered among the best, but only one will be placed in a church. All the items that keep to the Orthodox canons will be blessed in the immediate future and sent to the reformatory for women in Shipunovo.