Official of the Ministry of Culture promises to help restore churches and monasteries of Pskov

Commission of the RF Ministry of Culture is not satisfied with the finances assigned from the federal center to the restoration of churches and monasteries of Pskov Region. ‘The main problem in restoration of monasteries in Pskov is the lack of finances. Paltry funds are assigned to restoration. 200 thousand rubles were given to the Mirozhsky monastery, the Sviatogorsk monastery and the Church in Meletovo. It is nothing’, Lev Livshiz, head of the methodical commission at the Ministry of monumental art, said.

He assured that he will act as a lobbyist so that ‘Pskov Region receives finances on these objects. We shall not succeed in it in 2006, but we shall try to influence financing process in 2007. It is our principle goal’, the official underscored.