Clerics and representatives of the ‘Life’ educational center meet with Yekaterinburg doctors

Staff members of the Yekaterinburg center of family planning and doctors from antenatal clinics met with activists from the ‘Life’ educational center and priests of Yekaterinburg churches. Priests who provide spiritual care for maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics participated in the meeting.

Dr. Oboskalova, chief obstetrician-gynaecologist of Yekaterinburg, opened the meeting. She stated that the number of abortions made in city clinics has reduced. On the other hand, there is a great number of commercial clinics that are responsible for the lion’s share of all induced abortions. As commercial medical institutions do not render reports to the state health care administration, it is almost impossible to establish how many paid abortions are made there. As is know, this number totals to four thousand a year.

Many Yekaterinburg antenatal clinics including the center of family planning are attended by volunteers from the ‘Cradle’ center for maternity protection and the ‘Life’ educational center. The volunteers talk to every woman who decided to make an abortion. 80 human lives were saved only in the family planning center.

The participants in the meeting pointed out to the necessity of talking to pregnant women with ‘problem’. Kind word of reconciliation can save a new human life. Population of Yekaterinburg Region reduced by 80 thousand people in 2005 and such measures are indeed necessary.

The experts agreed that small cabinets should be given to social psychologist in every city antenatal clinic. Doctors have to send all women who doubt in the necessity of abortion to the psychologist. It is also necessity that every doctor has informational papers, posters, and video materials on the harm inflicted by abortion to moral and physical health of woman.

Doctors and priests decided to set up a special TV program dedicated to the problem of abortions, actions in support of chastity and the ’Joy of Maternity’ practical conference.

The meeting between doctors and clerics interested in the same problems was lively and sincere. There is a hope that such cooperation will bring abundant fruit.

Information Agency
The Diocese of Yekaterinburg