Заявление Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви в связи с решением, принятым 27 октября 2005 года Ассамблеей Церкви Швеции, учредить официальный обряд благословения однополых пар

It is with deep disappointment and sorrow that we learned that the Lutheran Church of Sweden does not object to the so-called ‘unisexual marriages’ and even decided to establish an official rite of their blessing.

It is obvious that such decision contradicts the teaching of the Bible on family and marriage. The words of the Holy Scripture do not leave doubts that homosexuality is considered as ‘abomination’ (Lev 18:22; 20:13). According to St. Paul people who commit this sin ‘will not inherit the kingdom of God’ (1 Cor 6:9-11). The blessing of ‘unisexual marriages’ approves of sinful distortion of the image of God, of human nature.

The Christian Church has always considered marriage between man and woman one of the Sacraments as it gives birth to a new life. This natural course was established by God and blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ in Cana of Galilee. The attempts to break it and to present it as a perversion is a direct opposition to the will of God, transgressing the commandments of the Holy Scripture and traditions of the Church.

Aversion of such unnatural vices as homosexuality has always been an important part of Christian morals that formed and brought up many generations. Approval of the shameful practice of ‘unisexual marriages’ is a serious blow to the whole system of European spiritual and moral values formed under the influence of Christianity. Such ‘innovations’ undermine moral basis of European civilization and impair its spiritual influence in the world.

We have always valued friendly relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of Sweden. Representatives of our Church actively participated in a number of joint programs as they saw a unique opportunity of common witness about Christian values to modern Europe and the whole world. However, the abovementioned decision of the Church of Sweden, which we consider a deviation from the norms of Christian morality, makes us suspend our bilateral relations.