Council of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate held in Tallinn

A regular Council of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate chaired by Metropolitan Kornily of Tallinn and All Estonia was held on 1 December 2005. Taking part in the Council were 47 clergymen and 20 laymen – representatives of the parishes. Divine Liturgy preceded the meeting.

A church administration lawyer Sergei Churkin made a report on the legal situation of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate at present and the situation with the transference of property to the parishes. He noted difficulties in the process and added that these problems were caused by bureaucratic hindrances. Therefore the Estonian Orthodox Church parishes can have an optimistic view of their future. He also commented on the new regulations on labour relations in the parishes.

A report by church administration accountant Ms.Tatiana Miroshnikova report was followed by a long discussion. The participants exchanged opinions and offered proposals concerning financial stability of the parishes and of the church administration.

Rev. Daniel Lepisk reported on the relations between the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Council of Churches in Estonia and the latter’s initiatives.

Rev. Igor Prekup reported on the situation with religious education and pointed out at the problems of teaching religious disciplines in secular school. The participants expressed their wish to draft a standard curriculum for ‘Divinity’ school subject.

The delegates considered major items on the agenda and presented their proposals for improvement of the Council’s work. For instance, it was proposed to hold the Councils in the Puhtica Convent of the Assumption.