Photos of Moscow churches exhibited in Brussels

The ‘Light of Russia’ photo exhibition opened in Brussels on November 17, 2005. A parishioner of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas A. Khudokormova made the photos. Bishop Simon of Brussels and Belgium and E. Champanoi, general commissioner of the ‘Europalia’ festival attended the opening ceremony.

V. Pasley, general inspector on public relations, greeted A. Khudokormova on behalf of Brussels government and thanked her for a chance to ‘give a fresh look at Russia and admire its rich spiritual culture’.

As the wife of Belgian Embassy‘s staff-member in Russia, A. Khurdokormova lived in Moscow for a long time. Her pictures captured the stages of church life revival in modern Russia. Special accent is made on the unknown for foreign visitors sides of church and parochial life of Moscow churches. The series is devoted to restoration and icon painting, sewing workshops and monasteries, Sunday schools and orphanages.

Among the present were D. Stevens, president of the Foundation on preserving the heritage of Russian emigration, D. Ageev, consultant of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church at European International Organizations, clerics of the Diocese of Brussels and Belgium of the Moscow Patriarchate, representatives of various cultural associations and foundations, lecturers and students of Belgian universities and numerous guests.

The exposition is held in the Halles Saint-Gery till January 15, 2006.