Restoration work at the Ipatyev Monastery in the Kostroma diocese continues

The Ipatyev Monastery is gradually recovering its original magnificence. After 50 year-long interruption, restorers in Kostroma have again got down to the restoration of the shrine. The transformation of the monastery walls is already visible. The customary white paint is replaced with yellow, green and red.

The restoration has been proceeded by a thorough work in archives. Hundreds of photographs and charts have been examined. Now the restorers are certain that the shrine will look like it did centuries ago. Many find the bright-painted monastery walls unusual, but specialists insist that it is exactly how they looked like originally.

The restoration work at the main gates has been nearly completed. The gilding is already there; the walls are plastered and painted. Simultaneously the candle building is being renewed. Its walls are painted historical red; the granite porch of the Romanov’s chambers has been restored. The interior decoration of the Church of Sts Krysanf and Dariy is underway.

It has been decided to carry out the wall-painting anew, as the frescoes have not survived and were covered over by a thick layer of oil-paint in the Soviet times.

The restoration work, financed by both the diocese and the state, will last for several months. With time all the 29 monastery buildings will be fully restored.

Vesti-Kostroma/Kostroma diocesan press service