The primate of the Russian Orthodox Church sends a congratulatory message to His Eminence Kornily, newly-elected Old Belief Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Archbishop Kornily (Titov) of Kazan and Vyatka was elected primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Belief Church on October 18, 2005.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy sent the following congratulatory message to the newly-elected head of the Russian Orthodox Old Belief Church:

To: The Most Reverend Kornily

Old Belief Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Your Eminence,

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on your election to the lofty office of primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Belief Church. I wish to Your Eminence God’s help in your forthcoming important service and express sincere hope that the good and mutually respectful relations established between our two Churches will continue. May the All-Merciful Lord multiply your spiritual and physical strength for many good years.

With love in Christ,