Presidential representative in the Far East Okrug K. Pulikovsky presents an icon of St.Nicholas to the Orthodox church in KPDR
11.10.2005 · Архив 2005-2009, События
On 10 October 2005, presidential representative in the Far East federal okrug K. B. Pulikovsky presented an icon of St.Nicholas of Myra in Licea to the first Orthodox church in the Korean People’s Democratic Republic.
During his official visit to Northern Korea K. Pulikovsky visited the church of the Life-Giving Trinity that is being constructed on a picturesque site in Pyongyang.
‘St.Nicholas the Wonderworker has protected Russia from misfortunes from time immemorial. From now on the saint will intercede for the Korean people, for all Orthodox people who live on the territory of KPDR’, presidential representative said at the ceremony of presenting the icon.
The icon of St.Nicholas presented to the church in Pyongyang was painted in the 19th century.
Decorating of the church of the Life-Giving Trinity is being completed. Its consecration is planned for next spring. Korean priests educated in the Moscow Theological Academy will celebrate divine services.