Procession with cross goes around Pskov

The procession with cross went around Pskov on September 15, 2005. Such monthly processions with cross have been held over five years with the blessing of Archbishop of Evsevy of Pskov and Velikie Luki and on the advice of Fr. Nikolai (Gurianov). Clerics and parishioners of churches blessed by His Eminence Evsevy participate in them. The Church of St. Alexander of Neva took part in the procession with cross in September.

The participants carried with them a small icon of the Savior brought from Chechnya and the Surdega Icon of the Mother of God, before which the faithful pray to stop bloodshed.

The Church of St. Alexander of Neva is martial; its rector Archpriest Oleg Teor also works in the naval church of St. Clement, Pope of Rome, and the Church of Prophet Elijah in Vybuty – homeland of the Holy Equal-to-Apostles Great Princess Olga.

Prayer services were conducted near the bell-tower built to commemorate 268 officers in the Promezhitsy military unit, near the Chapel of St. George and near the monument to St. Alexander of Neva on the Mountain Sokolikha.

Materials of the Pskov Informational Agency