Metropolitan Kirill sends greetings to Arvo Pjart

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, congratulated composer Arvo Pjart on his 70th birthday. Text of the message is given below.

Dear Mr. Pjart,

Your 70th birthday gives another cause to the judges and admirers of your creative work to recall that you have endeavored to arouse good feelings in people by your work and to remind them of God, thus helping them to acquire inner peace and vitality.

Throughout its history classical music has experienced many influences. Today we see with alarm that many old sources had run dry, but you inspire us as you show in your creative work that even today music can be deeply rooted in ecclesiastical tradition.

Noble simplicity and harmony of your work meet spiritual demands of many of our contemporaries who are tired of the mixed daily vanity. ‘The Penitential Canon’ and ‘The Triodion’ are wonderful examples of the liturgical texts that have acquired new musical dimension. International recognition of your creative work confirms the demand for your work in the world.

Once again I congratulate you on your remarkable jubilee and wish you God’s help, good health and success in your creative work.

Yours truly,

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad


Department for External Church Relations

Moscow Patriarchate