His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia congratulates President of the Episcopal Synod of the Russian Church Outside of Russia Metropolitan Laurus on his Nameday and the 75th anniversary of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville

To: His Eminence LAURUS

Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York

President of the Synod of Bishops

of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Your Eminence,

I wholeheartedly greet Your Eminence and your saved-by God flock on the remarkable 75th anniversary of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville.

This holy Monastery has been a centre of Orthodox monasticism outside of Russia, of spiritual life and preaching of the Gospel for many years. The brethren have surmounted difficulties and privations and performed a special deed entrusted to them by Diving Providence to preserve the treasure of Holy Orthodoxy in exile, to take care for the continuity of the Russian spiritual tradition, to hand down the experience of monastic labours. Ardent prayers for the salvation of Russia have been offered up here.

One cannot but take note of the publishing work of the Monastery. When publication of religious literature in the Motherland was almost impossible, the printing house of your monastery published books that brought the light of faith to people. Also worth noting are the achievements of the Holy Trinity Seminary, which educated many worthy pastors of Russian diaspora. It is gratifying to see its relations with the theological schools in the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius are being developed.

The jubilee of the monastery is preceded by Your Eminence’s Nameday. Your work and life have been closely linked with the Holy Trinity Monastery for many years. On the days of this double celebration, I prayerfully wish Your Eminence abundant mercies from the All-Generous Lord, good health and many years, and peace and prosperity to your holy monastery.

With love in the Lord,