His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia congratulates His Beatitude Theophilus III on his election to the Jerusalem Patriarchal Throne

24.08.2005 · English, Архив 2005  

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia sent his congratulation to His Beatitude Theophilus III, on his election Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine.

The text of greetings is given below.

To: His Beatitude Theophilus.

Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine

Your Beatitude,

Beloved brother and concelebrant in the Lord,

On behalf of the plenitude of the Russian Orthodox Church I cordially congratulate Your Beatitude with your election as Primate of the Mother of all Churches – the Holy Orthodox Church of Jerusalem.

We see in your election to the Patriarchal See of the Holy City by unanimous vote a sign of God’s mercy toward the Church of Zion and hope that it will end the period of distressful uncertainty and disorder which caused deep concern throughout the Orthodox world.

I wish Your Beatitude spiritual and physical strength to steer well the church ship so that your saved-by-God flock may be pacified and united.

With fraternal love in the Lord,