An international academic conference in Lebanon, devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Victory over fascism in World War II

19.04.2005 · English, Архив 2005  

An international academic conference in Lebanon, devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Victory over fascism in World War II

An international academic conference devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Victory over fascism in World War II took place at the Balamand Orthodox University in Lebanon. It was initiated by the president of the university, Dr. I. Salem, and organized with support from the Russian Federation Embassy in the Republic of Lebanon.


Among the participants in the conference were Lebanese Minister for Culture N. Boustani, Armenian Ambassador in Lebanon A. Khovkhanisian, Belorussian Ambassador in Syria and Lebanon V. Lopato-Zagorsky, Russian Ambassador in Lebanon S. Bukin, Ukrainian Ambassador in Lebanon V. Rylach, Representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch Archimandrite Alexander (Yelisov), President of the Russian-Lebanese Society Prof. O. Peresypkin, Honorary Consul of Russia in North Lebanon J. Saraff, Prof. Ms. I. Smilyanskaya of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Oriental Studies, Prof. G. Kosach of Moscow State University, Dr. A. Sanjian and Dr. T. Chuman. 


Archimandrite Alexander (Yelisov) presented a paper on the Russian Orthodox Church in the Years of the Great Patriotic War.