Fourth Working Meeting between the Moscow Patriarchate Commission on Dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the ROCOR Commission on Discussions with the Moscow Patriarchate Begins its Work

2.03.2005 · English, Архив 2005  

The said Commissions of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Church Outside of Russia begin their work on 2 March 2005 in France.

Taking part in the meeting on behalf of the Moscow Patriarchate are Chairman of the Commission Archbishop Innokenty of Korsun, Archbishop Yevgeny of Vereya, Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, Archimadrite Tikhon and secretary of the Commission Archpriest Nikolai Balashov.

Taking part in the meeting on behalf of the Russian Church Outside of Russia are Chairman of the Commission Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, Bishop Ambrose of Vevey, Archimandrite Luke, Archpriest Nicholas Artemov and secretary of the Commission Archpriest Alexander Lebedev.

This is the fourth meeting of the Commissions, the members of which are planning to continue the work begun at the first working meeting in Moscow (22-24 July 2004), second meeting in Munich (14-16 September 2004) and the third meeting in Moscow (17-19 November 2004).